How to know which phone number that Gmail account is connected with?

Hello so 
In this blog we are going to know that which phone number is that Gmail account is connected with?
So let's get started

This is the basic things but if you know then skip this paragraph
If you want to know what's your Gmail ID then 
-Open Gmail App/web 
-Then click on that icon which you get top right of your corner which is basically you Google account icon
-then there along with icon you can get a id which ends with
-That's your Gmail ID

And now if you want to know which phone number is your Gmail account connected with?
Open Gmail app/web
-tap on that top right corner basically on your Google account icon
- along with your Gmail ID , you basically get the option "manage your Google account" click on that option
- then your Google account settings will open 
-then click on "personal info" which you can find in top raw
-then slide down there you can easily see which phone number or which email your Gmail account is connected with

You can also change it by clicking on that phone number/emails

But if you want to change your phone number but you should have your Google password

So these are the steps that you can find which phone number is your Google/Gmail account is connected with
How to know which phone number that Gmail account is connected with? How to know which phone number that Gmail account is connected with? Reviewed by Growing tech on April 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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